Friday, February 4, 2011

Random Thoughts

5 Reasons I Love My Mom:

1. She donates a bathrobe to Goodwill and buys it back a few weeks later because she felt sorry for it.

2. If she offers to cook you an egg sandwich for breakfast, you know she really loves you.

3. When I was between the ages of 3-6, she and I ate a Happy Meal together everyday for lunch and collected as many plastic toys as China could mass produce at a time.

5. She can usually get you anywhere you need to be faster than any leer-jet.


I think when you visit a place long enough, you keep a piece of it with you forever. I've been missing Costa Rica a lot lately.

It's funny how you learn a lot about yourself when you're placed in a foreign country with a group of strangers for a month. I learned that I'm stronger than I think. I learned that I care about people more than I thought I did. I learned that coming home is the best feeling in the world.


March might possibly be the most exciting month ever:

March 11 - My friend, Molly, her boyfriend, Josh, and Tom and I are heading to go see Pioneer Woman in Atlanta.

March 15 - 19 - Roadtrippin' down the coast of Florida with Tom. Staying here.

March 25 - 28 - Culverhouse's do Disney World.